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Terror of General Soleimani – What Next?

The foremost state sponsor of terror, the United States of America, carried out a brazen act of terrorism yesterday that took the life of a revered Iranian general – General Ghassem Soleimani.  A man, no, a legend, who led the resistance in confronting occupation, injustice, and terrorism.   The man lauded for defeating ISIS.

Heartbroken at the defeat of ISIS, the United States bombed the man who had led that defeat. Trump bombed to kill Soleimani and to save ISIS, to expand its hegemony. Trump failed. He obliterated any chance this world had for peace and he managed to plant the seed of revenge in every heart that beats for justice.  Iran does not mourn alone.  Make no mistake – it was not one man that was killed.  It was the fragile hope of peace, of our future and that of our world that was destroyed. Trump was Iran’s 911.  He forced a fate akin to 911 but vastly different.

While 911 was an inside job to justify and launch America’s violent thrust into the unsuspecting world so that it could crown itself as the global hegemon , Trump and his cadre of idiots gloated about the terror they had inflicted on the world.  Too stupid to grasp the significance and the consequences of their actions.  102 (January 02) will live in infamy. The bomb that killed Soleimani will spiral the world out of control; send America into a freefall.  January 02 will be remembered as the end of America’s hegemony – 102 will be inscribed on its tombstone.   Tombstone of a nation that could have been great, was capable of so much good, but was instead utterly destructive until it was destroyed by the enemies within.

The bombs took out Soleimani, but they raised millions like him. Faced with the terror of one of the most popular men in Iran, and the wider Middle East, hero of men and women who sought justice, what choice is Iran left with?  Does the Trump team think that the millions who mourn the man and celebrate his martyrdom will go home and weep?  Cower?  No.

It has already dawned on the Trump team that they have just jolted the world and they fear the shaky ground underneath them.  Already, Pompeo’s gloat has turned into a whimper.  Quick to contact the Russians, Iran’s allies, he told them that “the United States remains committed to de-escalation.”   What he is imploring is for Russians to plead with Iran to show restraint.   But no one can turn back this clock.

Team Trump has left only two choices for Iran:  For Iran to hit back hard. Yes, a war with the United States will destroy Iran. But Iran would take down much of the world with it, our global village would be destroyed. Or, for Iran not to retaliate which would translate a self-destruct button by taking no action.  Unlikely.  No doubt, those carrying Solemani’s picture will have a say.

There is but one third way which requires the participation of all. To remove and arrest Trump and his team for precipitating WW3 –  for actions that will inevitably usher in the death of millions; if Americans don’t act.  But unlike Iran, America lacks heroes. Trump has doomed us all. It is a matter of time – and the clock is ticking.

BY: Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

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