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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Endless Occupation and Plunder of Syria: U.S. Terrorism in the Name of “Going After the Terrorists”

Like his predecessors, Trump operates as a frontman for the military, industrial, security complex, Wall Street, and other monied interests. As commander-in-chief, he continues endless US wars of aggression in multiple theaters, along with economic terrorism on Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, and other nations on the US target list …

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Prison-State USA

Washington is incessantly trying to inspire the whole world with this myth that the United States is the most democratic country on the planet, and that only Americans, the chosen nation, have the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and establish their own preferred forms of …

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How the Israeli military censor killed a story about ‘terrorist’ bombing campaign in Lebanon in 1980s

June, 1980. Over the previous weeks Israeli air and sea attacks on “Palestinian and leftist positions” have been “almost nightly events.” According to Christian Science Monitor journalist Helena Cobban, however, a “more sinister Israeli hand is seen behind some of the increased unrest throughout the country.” Indeed, “several enormous car bombs have exploded …

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