Home / America / Trump went rogue on Iran deal (Tiis interview with Dr Marcus Papadopoulos Publisher/Editor Politics First First Publishing Limited)

Trump went rogue on Iran deal (Tiis interview with Dr Marcus Papadopoulos Publisher/Editor Politics First First Publishing Limited)

Trump’s election from the US warmongers as a US president and his unwise actions and wicked steps will put all the governments and even the American people in a state of uncertainty and the problems of the world become more and more complex every day, and such actions by an incapacitated president puts the world on the brink of a big war.

The situation we are facing in the world is, the interferences and bullying of the US government especially in the Middle East , which Causes insecurity and worries in the world . Trump’s election from the US warmongers as a US president and his unwise actions and wicked steps will put all the governments and even the American people in a state of uncertainty and the problems of the world become more and more complex every day, and such actions by an incapacitated president puts the world on the brink of a big war. If you agree with the comment, I appreciate to have your opinion and viewpoints on my questions.

Tiis: What is your opinion about the Trump administration’s approach to the JCPOA?

Donald Trump harbours a visceral dislike of all things Iranian and is incapable of controlling this hysteria in public, which constitutes another reason why this man is entirely unsuitable to hold elected office, let alone to be President of the United States.  Certainly it is the case that Mr Trump makes the presidency of the deceased Boris Yeltsin look dignified, which is a remarkable achievement.  That said however, Mr Trump’s hostility towards Iran, whilst shared by most people in his administration, does not mean that the JCPOA is in danger because, in my opinion, it is not.  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defence Secretary James Mattis, who both have no love for Iran, support the nuclear agreement with Tehran, understanding that the deal prevented a possible military confrontation between America and Iran, which would not have been in the interests of Washington and its allies in the Middle East.  Mr Mattis, who is a worthy and formidable opponent, knows what the cost would be to America in terms of military casualties in a clash with Iran.  And Mr Tillerson, whilst being an unconvincing diplomat (though, of course, nowhere near as unconvincing as his British counterpart, Boris Johnson), recognises that Britain, Germany, France and the European Union, who, along with Russia and China, are the other signatories to the JCPOA, and who are key US allies, support the Iran agreement and argue that the Iranians are complying with its obligations.  In the event of pulling out of the JCPOA, Washington would be up against world opinion on the matter, including from some of its staunchest friends in the world, and could precipitate a war with Tehran.  None of that means, however, that the US has lost sight of its long-term goal to see the overthrow of the Iranian Government; rather, it means that the Americans will continue to look for other means to destabilise Iran without them being involved in a direct clash with the Iranians, which I believe will take the form of trying to cripple the Iranian economy and/or supporting subversive groups in Iran.

Tiis:What would be the main reasons for dismantling the Iran nuclear deal by the US Government?

For Mr Trump and others in his administration who favour America pulling out of the JCPOA, the unofficial reason is that, by doing so, this would give Washington a freehand to pursue all options, including the military one, in trying to bring down the Iranian Government.  The Americans wish to see a compliant government in Tehran, like the one during the reign of the Shah when Iran, in effect, was a client state of the US.  But as I said earlier, despite the hysterical views of President Trump on Iran, senior members of his administration, along with other policymakers in Washington, believe that there are other more subtle and more prudent ways of trying to weaken the Iranian Government, rather than by abandoning the JCPOA.
Tiis: With respect to the current support by the European Union for the JCPOA, to what extent will it continue to support the agreement and oppose Trump’s stance on the matter?

To its credit, the European Union has been vociferous in its support of the JCPOA and in its opposition to Mr Trump’s uncorroborated allegation that Iran has reneged on the deal.  It is not in the interests of the EU for there to be a military conflict with Iran, which would disrupt the bloc’s oil supplies and its business dealings in the Middle East and would, undoubtedly, create another refugee crisis which no EU policymaker wishes to see because these refugees would head towards Europe – and we already know the profound political, societal and security problems that the current refugee crisis engulfing Europe is causing for Brussels.  So the EU will continue to support the JCPOA and oppose any attempts to scupper it.
Tiis: What is the view of the American Government on the independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan?

Whilst the US Government is officially opposed to the creation of an independent Kurdistan, formed from the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan, the Americans, in private, believe that the development of such a scenario would, effectively, turn Iraqi Kurdistan into a US colony that would serve to strengthen Washington’s stranglehold on the Middle East and pose a formidable threat to the national security of Iran.  One must be aware that America does not recognise the independence of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus because there is no basis, at all, for this under international law; nonetheless, it is indisputable that the CIA and the NSA have ‘secret’ stations in the illegally occupied part of Cyprus, which provides even more leverage to the Americans in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.  So whilst the US will publicly say that it supports the territorial integrity of Iraq, in private American policymakers will be fully aware of the benefits accruing for US power should Iraqi Kurdistan become independent.  The Americans are using the Kurds as pawns to consolidate their dominant role in the Middle East, like how the US uses the Albanians to enhance its hold over the Balkans.  The Kurds would be wise to be very cautious about their relationship with America, and they should always be mindful of the historically close relationship between the US and Turkey, with the latter being the most potent enemy to the Kurdish people.

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