A new report from Brown University’s Costs of War project has found that at least 37 million people have been displaced as a result of America’s so-called “war on terror” since 9/11, a conservative estimate of a number that may actually be somewhere between 48 million to 59 million. That number, “at …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2020
America’s Current Jobs ‘Great Depression’
“Two well-known and highly respected mainstream economists, Carmen Reinhart, a chief economist for the World Bank, and Vincent Reinhart, chief economist for Morgan Stanley bank, have recently published an article in the widely read capitalist source, Foreign Affairs, entitled ‘The Pandemic Depression’. Arguing primarily from a global perspective, the economists …
Read More »Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report – The World Trade Center
September 2020: Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States, a wave of conspiracy theories swept the nation. The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City was an inside job, they claimed, the work of the federal government, and “truthers” filled the internet with supposed …
Read More »Is America in the Early Stages of Armed Insurgency?
David Kilcullen is one of the world’s leading authorities on insurgencies. For decades he has studied them. As an infantry soldier in the Australian army and an adviser to the U.S. Army, he’s fought against them. His latest scholarly work has focused on their role in urban conflicts. So when Kilcullen says that America is …
Read More »US/NATO Preparing for War on Russia? Six Military Exercises at Russia’s Doorstep
Wars by hot and other means are all about Washington’s main strategy to advance its imperium — seeking dominance over other nations, their resources and populations by brute force if other methods don’t achieve its objectives. From inception, the US has been addicted to war, glorifying it deceptively in the …
Read More »Unprecedented US Economic Collapse and Reality Defying Market Bubble
For 24 straight weeks, over a million working-age Americans applied for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. What’s been going on since March is unprecedented in US history, likely more of the same ahead and perhaps the worst of times to come. Based on how economic data were calculated pre-1990, US unemployment …
Read More »Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed?
Even in the unlikely event that the presidential election goes well procedurally, it is no time to gloat about the vindication of the American version of constitutional democracy. The 2020 Election and its Aftermath I share the view that the 2020 election in the United States is above all a …
Read More »You Can Have Peace Or The US Empire. You Can’t Have Both
Just in the last few days Israel has reportedly dropped cluster munitions and white phosphorus on southern Lebanon, bombed Gaza, and fired missiles on Damascus, because Israel is a nation whose existence depends on unceasing military violence. In order for Israel to continue existing as the imperialist apartheid state that it is, it needs …
Read More »‘Muscular’ Foreign Policy: Media Codeword for Violence Abroad
Writing in the Washington Post , pro-war columnist Josh Rogin appeared relieved that Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate for November—as opposed to a progressive like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, who would have called for cutting military budgets, fewer US interventions and the withdrawal of troops stationed abroad. …
Read More »Where will all these war games lead?
In northeast Syria last week, a U.S. military vehicle collided with a Russian armored vehicle, injuring four American soldiers. Both the Americans and Russians blame each other for failing to follow established rules of the road. Had an American been killed, we could have had a crisis on our hands. …
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