Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans. This works out to over …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2020
US Wants to Increase Special Agents in Latin America Under Anti-drug Speech
Washington’s “war on drugs” is advancing in Latin America. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently asked the US Congress for a new budget, valued at more than 3 billion dollars, to improve its operations abroad and help to prevent narcotics from entering American territory. As expected, the main countries mentioned …
Read More »America’s Destructive Denialisms
The refusal of tens of millions of Americans to recognize the election results is part of a much larger denialism—of Covid-19, of climate change, and U.S. decline.
Read More »All-War-All-the-Time?
In his last days in office, Donald Trump is “ending” America’s forever wars (as he long promised he would do) by leaving 2,500 American troops in Afghanistan, a similar number in Iraq, and continuing the air war across parts of the Greater Middle East and Africa. Take Somalia, where American troops have …
Read More »The Populist American Powder Keg Is Primed but Will It Be Lit?
There are countless alarmist articles from the past rotting away on the forgotten side of the internet, warning us that “this time it’ll be different” and that the given crisis of the moment was “the one” that would lead to big change. Flawed humans are often too eager to over …
Read More »US Unemployed Rising, Evictions, Mortgages Crisis Brewing, Small Business Collapsing: Economic Consequences of a 2nd ‘Mitigation’ Bill
As of mid-December 2020 the US economy has begun showing increasing signs of an exceptionally weak 4th quarter, October-December, growth. After having collapsed -10.5% in the March-June 2020 period, followed by a partial ‘rebound’ (not sustained recovery) in the 3rd quarter, July-September 2020, the economy is now slowing rapidly once …
Read More »The UN and NATO Exploit the Refugee Crisis to Promote the Rhetoric of Peace and Security
The UN excels in statistical data, most of it derived from its complicity in allowing human rights violations to thrive. “We are now surpassing another bleak milestone that will continue to grow unless world leaders stop wars,” the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, declared. In the first half …
Read More »What is the United States of America? A Military Democracy
“Military leader, council, assembly of the people are the organs of gentile society developed into military democracy – military, since war and organization for war have now become regular functions of national life. Their neighbors’ wealth excites the greed of peoples who already see in the acquisition of wealth one …
Read More »America’s Sick Priorities
The US Congress is pushing through another record-breaking military budget this week while tens of millions of Americans are staring into the abyss of Christmas misery from poverty and disease. The twisted priorities of Washington’s politicians show the American political system is sick beyond words. With hardly a hitch, the …
Read More »Renewed Efforts at Normalizing Global Violence
Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump has preferred an approach to the War on Terror that influences U.S. society in terms of racism and exclusion – the 2017 executive order known as the Muslim Ban being one of the most prominent policies adopted. As President-Elect Joe Biden is set to take …
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