As the U.S. draws down its force numbers in Afghanistan, influential voices in the Beltway are warning that withdrawing from America’s current forever wars — including Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan — would increase risk to America’s security. What virtually none of these influencers have considered, however, is what risk we …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2020
US Elections 2020: Why the Record Vote Turnout May Not Matter
Mainstream media is pounding out an incessant drumbeat: ‘Get Out and Vote! Mail in Your Ballot! Do It Now! Vote Early!’ But what may well determine the outcome of the election on November 3 may not be the current record voter turnout now underway. That is, not how many actually …
Read More »The Parallel Universe of Peace
Those who are committed to peace and global equality are forced to work for it in a world that is seriously prejudiced in favor of war.
Read More »Here’s how the National Guard is supporting the Nov. 3 election
The National Guard is gearing up to activate across the country to support the Nov. 3 general election in several capacities. The missions range from assisting with cyber defense, working the polls, and standing-by in case of post-election civil unrest. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges necessitating the use …
Read More »Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain
The arsenal of electromagnetic and informational weapons, used to manipulate the human mind of targeted individuals or populations, is an integral part of the weapons system of the New World Order. The US military possesses a sophisticated arsenal of psychotronic weapons which could be used both domestically and internationally. Electromagnetic …
Read More »Fools’ Crusade: Why United States Provocations Towards China Will Lead to Disaster
On July 4, 2020, the U.S. Navy dispatched an unprecedented two aircraft carriers and four other warships to the South China Sea for naval maneuvers in waters claimed by China. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently broke with the official U.S. policy of neutrality in territorial conflicts in the South …
Read More »American Militarism Marches On: No Discussion or Media Coverage of Washington’s War Against the World
Nearly everyone has heard the comment attributed for former Clinton consigliere Rahm Emanuel that one should never let a good crisis go to waste. The implication of the comment is that if there is a major crisis going on the cover it provides permits one to do all sorts of …
Read More »The 2020 Election: Nothing Will Change
With the first of three scheduled presidential debates (aka brawl) between President Donald Trump and his opponent, former vice-president Joe Biden, now history, the pundits will fall all over themselves to determine what it all means. Who won? Did either candidate deliver a fatal blow to the election chances of the other? Did …
Read More »US 2020 Economic Collapse a Bonanza for Billionaires
US billionaires are cashing in big at a time of widespread unemployment, underemployment, and deprivation. More below on reported data. For ordinary Americans, the hardest of hard times are indicative of what may prove to be a new normal. Growing poverty, food insecurity, the threat of widespread evictions, collapsing small …
Read More »The US Spends More Than $80 Billion a Year Incarcerating 2.3 Million People
The US today spends more than $80 billion a year incarcerating 2.3 million people in state and federal prisons, local jails, youth facilities and deportation centers. That’s $80 billion that comes out of public coffers and goes into public confinement. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many were shocked …
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