From 1950 through May 23, 2021, the mandate of the UN Security Council has been either violated or ignored, contributing to the gross destabilization of the world, and the Security Council has authorized four virtually genocidal wars through resolutions based upon fabricated justifications. The Security Council supported war on the DPRK in 1950, which continues in some form up to the present, and which obliterated the DPRK between 1950 through 1953, provoking the People’s Republic of China to intervene. China, at that time was not a member of the United Nations.
Resolution 678 in 1990, led to the NATO bombing campaign that destroyed the infrastructure necessary to sustain human life in Iraq, reducing that previously functioning progressive state to rubble, and a current incubator of terrorism.
Resolution 1973 quickly adopted in 2011, led to the NATO bombing campaign that destroyed the infrastructure necessary to sustain human life in Libya, formerly a progressive, functioning state, now an incubator of terrorism. Most recently the Security Council failed to produce even a paltry press statement calling for a cease fire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and by its inaction helped make possible the destruction of the electricity system and the sewerage system of Gaza, reducing much of the city to rubble in May, 2021. Of course the human deaths were more than 200 in Gaza, and approximately 40 in Israel.
On June 8, 2021 at the Security Council, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative Gennady Kuzmin stated to the Estonian President of the Council, at a meeting in connection with the consideration of the report of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals:
“It is noticeable with what elated mood you spoke today, with what enthusiasm you reported on your achievements. How they were in a hurry to share the news about the conviction of another high-ranking Serb. The announced verdict against Ratko Mladic is a continuation of the politicized line set by the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. An iconic stain on the reputation now of the Residual Mechanism. …For nearly 30 years, almost a third of a century, the biased and costly flywheel of the Hague justice systematically grinds the fates of the participants in the Balkan war….The war that destroyed the once united state – Yugoslavia….How easy it is, given impunity, NATO countries can step over the UN Charter and start a military operation in a third country. Has anyone been responsible for the massive aerial bombing of civilian targets, incl. in the city limits of Belgrade and other large cities, for the killing and wounding of thousands of civilians, including journalists at the Belgrade TV Center and the Chinese Embassy? Why at one time he chose to close his eyes to the obvious crimes of the Kosovar Albanians, and now their cases are being dealt with by the Special Court of Kosovo?”
“The ICTY went down in history as an instrument of vengeance, and not as an organ of justice. The ICTY and the Residual Mechanism, alas, did not become institutions of reconciliation in the heterogeneous Balkan society. The reason for this is the lack of justice in the decisions made, attacks on one side of the conflict and the silence of the sins of others.”
On September 29, 2020 “” published a lengthy article entitled:
“Leaked Files, Organ Removal and Irrepressible Anger: What’s behind the Kosovo war crimes probe?”…
”The leaked files, which apparently named President Hashim Thaci and other leading KLA figures as well as charges against them, to journalists. The Kosovo Specialist Chambers, which is probing claims that the KLA members committed war crimes during and after the war, said that the veterans association was aiming to ‘undermine the proper administration of justice.’….Less than 24 hours after Gucati was arrested ‘for intimidation of witnesses, retaliation and violation of secrecy of proceedings….the charges against Gucati and Haradinajis are a sideshow to another arrest in Kosovo last week, that of former KLA commander Salih Mustafa, on war crimes charges. Mustafa is accused of arbitrary detention, torture and murder at a detention centre in April 1999….Internationally the KLA – which carried out attacks on Serbian police stations and politicians, was regarded as a terrorist organization……..In 1998 the KLA became the main player in the struggle for Kosovan independence, winning the backing of the United States and benefiting from a massive influx of cash… Although the KLA was disbanded as a military force after the war, their leaders acquired top jobs with Hasim Thaci becoming President.”
However, in 2008 Carla Del Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia published her memoirs:
“Confrontation with Humanity’s Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity.’…She alleged that serious crimes had taken place during the conflict in Kosovo against Serb nationals during and after the war, but these crimes had not been seriously investigated. Major figures in the post-war Kosovar government were involved. As well as abuse, murder and disappearance of prisoners at a wide-ranging network of KLA detention facilities in northern and central Albania, Del Ponte highlighted claims that human organs were removed from Serb prisoners in Albania, transported abroad and sold”…Del Ponte’s claims provoked an investigation led by Council of Europe MEP Dick Marty, which in December 2010 backed the accusations of human organ trafficking and implicated KLA leaders. Among them it named President Thaci.
By 1998 Marty stated that Thaci “not only had support within Kosovo, but had become the preferred partner in Washington, an endorsement which Marty stated made him ‘untouchable.’
Following the NATO bombing campaign in June, 1999, the Drenica group, headed by Thaci had ‘unfettered control’ in which to carry out various forms of smuggling and trafficking. KLA units were deployed into Kosovo; Serb inhabitants, along with Roma and other minorities quickly became targets for revenge.
Marty’s report corroborated Del Ponte’s allegations of human organ trafficking, quoting testimonies that ‘spoke credibly and consistently of a methodology by which all of the captives (mostly Serb) were killed, usually by a gunshot to the head, and were operated upon to remove one or more of their organs, ‘harvested’ for sale,” an enormously lucrative business. The KLA regularly cannibalized Serb human corpses, among other atrocities. Of course, it is also possible that they “operated on” live Serbs to extract their vital organs in even more barbaric methods.
On June 8, 2021 Russian Deputy Ambassador Kuzmin was undoubtedly referring to the demonization of the Serbs, and “silence on the sins of others,” among which were KLA leaders and President Hasim Thaci, himself.
The NATO bombing of Serbia in 2000, followed by barbaric treatment of Serb prisoners by KLA leaders, recalls Western European and especially Vatican complicity throughout the slaughter of the Serb prisoners at Jasenovac concentration camp in World War II, where the fascist Ustasha tortured to death more than half million Serbs, exterminating the orthodox Christian Serb population, much as Hitler exterminated German Jews. Archbishop Stepinovac, advisor to the Ustasha fascist state was appointed by Pope Pius XII. Stepinovac was ultimately responsible for this genocide at Jasinovac concentration camp.
These buried crimes, both at the concentration camp, Jasenovac in WW II and those perpetrated by the KLA following the NATO bombing of Belgrade and other Serb cities in 1999, still cry out for justice, and these are, no doubt the “sins lacking justice” to which Russian Deputy Ambassador Kuzmin referred at the United Nations Security Council on June 8, 2021.
A rare and perhaps unique record of these crimes and the abhorrent consequence of the demonization of the Serbs was published by the late Vladimir Dedijer, formerly Yugoslavian delegate to the UN, and considered a leading authority on 20th Century genocide; Dedijer, together with Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre and Nobel Laureate Harvard Professor Dr. George Wald, chaired the Bertrand Russell International Tribunal on War Crimes. Dedijer’s documentation of the Ustasha’s atrocities appear to have been obscured until in 1990 Dedijer published his monumental work, “The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, the Massacre of the Serbs in World War II.”
By Carla Stea