About six years ago, when we titled “Are the missiles returning to Comiso?” in il Manifesto (June 9, 2015), our hypothesis that the US wanted to bring their nuclear missiles back to Europe was ignored by the entire political-media arc. Subsequent events have shown that the alarm, unfortunately, was well …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2021
America Against the World: Everyone Is a Frenemy
Anyone who expected a change in tone in foreign policy due to the transition from Trump to Biden has to be disappointed. There are certainly a number of reasons why the United States government is now only viewed favorably by the Israelis, but totally tone deaf foreign and economic policies …
Read More »Washington’s Delusion of Endless World Dominion
Empires live and die by their illusions. Visions of empowerment can inspire nations to scale the heights of global hegemony. Similarly, however, illusions of omnipotence can send fading empires crashing into oblivion. So it was with Great Britain in the 1950s and so it may be with the United States …
The administration is reexamining Trump-era rules governing drone strikes and commando missions outside of conventional war zones, along with much else.
Read More »The American Terror State
On February 26, 2021, imperial President Joe Biden ordered the bombing of “Iranian backed militias” in Syria. Biden’s action was rationalized as “retaliation” for rocket attacks on American troops in Iraq that killed a mercenary contractor and injured a U.S. soldier. Missing from coverage in the corporate media was any mention of the illegal …
Read More »On 18th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion, Activists Renew Calls for US Reparations
“Americans owe a debt to the people of Iraq that can never be repaid in full. However, it is incumbent and imperative that we try.” Human rights and anti-war activists marked the 18th anniversary of the second of three American-led invasions of Iraq by renewing calls for the U.S.—this time …
Read More »U.S. Aggressiveness Will Accelerate Its Demise
The foreign policy of the current U.S. administration is exactly the same as the foreign policy of the previous one. In short: disastrous. There are dozens of examples: The “maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran continues, the sanctions on Venezuela will be upheld or even strengthened, the bombing of Syria, no …
Read More »Why Do They Keep Doing It?
In the West, and especially the USA, today, we observe an inability to imagine, understand, come to terms with or tolerate difference. Einstein is said to have observed that insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting a different result. What a perfect description for U.S. …
Read More »How the US Military Subverted the Afghan Peace Agreement to Prolong an Unpopular War
Appointed in the final days of Trump’s presidency to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, Douglas Macgregor tells The Grayzone how military leadership undermined the withdrawal and pressured Trump to capitulate. In an exclusive interview with The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former senior advisor to the acting secretary of defense, …
Read More »UK Breaks Law on Nukes: Boris Johnson Announced a 40% Increase in Britain’s Nuclear Arsenal
Yesterday Boris Johnson announced a 40% increase in Britain’s nuclear arsenal. Today the arsenal stands at around 200 nuclear warheads. Each is about 8 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb which killed over 200,000 people. That’s a killing capacity of hundreds of millions. How can Johnson conceivably justify that …
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